Month: March 2011

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oat Muffin Tops

I’m realizing more and more that I usually can’t follow a recipe perfectly. I either don’t have something the recipe calls for, or I feel absolutely compelled to try something new. Tweak it. Call it my own. I guess that’s good for my learning curve. 

Green Monsters

So I’m currently on the green monster craze. I blame half the blogging world for getting me into it, but man they are good. Fresh. Light. Perfect to start the day. Usually I drink them straight out of the container of my Magic Bullet, but 

Cream Biscuits

These were so good that the ants tried to invade the bag I stored them in. Should I fault them for having such good taste? They tried coming back into the house [I still have no idea where they’re coming in from], but I took 

Chipotle Beet Green and Bacon Scramble

I had every intention of making a frittata type dish, but then the eggs didn’t want to cooperate. I turned them into a scramble so fast, they didn’t know what hit them. I showed them. I always win. There is something I love about getting 

Couscous with Curried Cilantro Pesto

I swear I have this tendency to modify every single dish I make. It’s out of necessity. I always miss one thing, so I make do with what I’ve got. I’ve been enamoured with cilantro pesto since I had it on some pizza here in 

Sweet Potato Hummus

I know a lot of you aren’t sweet potato fans, but I can’t help but love them. I think it’s my inner sweet tooth crying to get out. I love how sweet they are. They won’t ever replace my beloved mashed potatoes, but I love